هذي مجلدات الموقع جربها وحدة وحدة
كود PHP:
root@SaLeH:/pentest/web/dirbuster# java -jar DirBuster-0.12.jar -H -u http://www.hanagariya.co.il
Starting OWASP DirBuster 0.12 in headless mode
Starting dir/file list based brute forcing
Dir found: / - 200
Dir found: /images/ - 403
Dir found: /cgi-bin/ - 403
File found: /map.php - 200
File found: /index.php - 200
File found: /contact.php - 200
File found: /resample.php - 200
File found: /works.php - 200
File found: /index_e.php - 200
Dir found: /mailman/ - 403
Dir found: /pipermail/ - 200
Dir found: /webmail/ - 301
Dir found: /framework/ - 403
Dir found: /bandwidth/ - 200
Dir found: /cgi-sys/ - 403
Dir found: /controlpanel/ - 301
Dir found: /cpanel/ - 301
08/04/2013 05:01:35 ص org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector executeWithRetry
INFO: I/O exception (org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request: The server www.hanagariya.co.il failed to respond
08/04/2013 05:01:35 ص org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector executeWithRetry
INFO: Retrying request