H&M StudioLine Web Multilingual

برنامج تصميم المواقع الاحترافي يمكنك البرنامج من السيطرة على موقعك
والتحكم بكل خصائصه صم الان موقعك الخاص بكل سهوله واضف جميع صورك واللوحات
الفنيه الخاصة بك بكل جمال وسهوله واختار من بين القوالب المجانيه.

StudioLine Web" - functional HTML-editor, which is designed to help the user to create a presentable website, without any additional material and time costs. The product has a friendly interface and allows you to work without direct reference to the code, so even the inexperienced user skills in working with them with minimal effort. The developer has provided opportunity for free placement of text and graphic elements within the page, and realized the existence of an integrated graphics editor, with which you can work with raster and vector images, by applying to them the available filters and effects. Moreover, there is a rich library of ready-made templates that can be successfully used as a basis for future project.

OS: Windows

********: Multi********

SIZE : 108 MB

تاريخ اصدار البرنامج

06 Feb 2010

السيريال مرفق مع البرنامج




تحياتي :- المدمر العماني