طبعا انا مبتدئ باختراق المواقع , بستخدم برنامج الهافج وكل ما احط موقع مصاب شوفو شو بطلع ومش عارف شو هااااد او شو الحل......ساعدوني

Host IP:
Web Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) PHP/4.4.2 mod_perl/1.27
Powered-by: PHP/4.4.2
Keyword Found: 600px;
Injection type is Integer
DB Server: MySQL

Finding columns count(MySQL,MsSQL 2005): 30

Error (10060): The attempt to connect timed out
Trying another method using keyword for finding columns count
Findig columns count for MySQL failed!
Bypassing illegal union failed! Turning off this feature

Injection type is blind!

Finding current data base

Length of 'Current DB' is 4

Can not get Length of 'Table Name'
It seems information_schema table does not exist! Trying to guess tables!

ومش عارف شو الحل........