برنامج ProConnective لوصول تبليغ البرورات

برنامج ProConnective لوصول تبليغ البرورات

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الموضوع: برنامج ProConnective لوصول تبليغ البرورات

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  1. #1

    افتراضي برنامج ProConnective لوصول تبليغ البرورات

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

    اقدم لكم اداة ProConnective لوصول التبليغ في البرورات.
    معلومات عن الأداة:
    اداة ProConnective هي اداة تقوم بصنع اتصال بين السيرفر والعميل في برنامج البرورات وتساعد على تحسين التواصل بينهم ، انت تحتاج ProConnective للاتصال بالجهاز مع LAN والراوتر.
    اذا كنت تستعمل اداة راوتر فأنت تستطيع ضبط البروتات لديّك مع ProConnective بإستخدام البورتات التالية "4110, 4112, 5110, 5112, 41100, 51100" ، لذلك انت تستطيع استخدام ProConnective اذا كنت بجانب الراوتر.

    What you need to do to use ProConnective ? :
    To use ProConnective you have to click on ProConnective button that is on the ProRat client and then press on the "start listening the connections".

    ProConnective will be created right next to the ProRat client and it will start to run.

    If windows XP internal firewall is running on the PC that ProConnective is started, ProConnective will not work because the internal firewall will stop it to work.

    So this is why ProConnective will open a warning message to you and ask that would you like to close your internal firewall.

    If you press the "Yes" button ProConnective will close your internal firewall and will start to work normal.

    If you press on the "No" button ProConnective will warn you that it will not work properly and will ask you if you are sure to continue and it will not work properly if you continue. It depends on you to make ProConnective work properly.

    Also you have a choice to select "Start ProConnective on startup" which will run ProConnective every time you open your windows operating system.

    To use ProConnective you have to own a static IP address or a dns address.

    If you don't have a static IP address and if you are a connecting with a dial up and your IP address is changing every time you can get a DNS from No-Ip.com for free and direct it to your IP and you can use the product "DUC" to see your current IP.

    So every time you get online the "DUC" program will process your WAN IP to the No-Ip.com DNS address that you gave when you created your server, so when your server gets online it will be directed to your DNS to get communication with ProConnective. (Example: "test.no-ip.com") and the "DUC" program will always refresh this dns target so your WAN IP will be directed to ProConnective. Click here to get more information about a free membership on No-Ip.Com and information about the "DUC" program.


    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ASDELY-ScOrPiOn ; 04-13-2013 الساعة 08:24 PM

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