معلومات الاخ الملغم

Port: 81
Password: 153600
Number of hosts: 5
Enable connection through proxy: No
Number of proxies: 0
Filename when installed: explorer.exe
Directory to install: explorer.exe in System directory
Autostart at reboot: Yes
Registry start key: {9D71D88C-C598-4935-C5D1-43AA4DB90836}
Registry key: explorer.exe
Mutex name: explore
Persistant server: Yes
Include extension pack: No
Name extension pack: addons.dat
Offline keylogger: Yes
Keylogger filename: logg.dat
Exclude Shift and Ctrl: Yes
Exclude Backspace: Yes
Try to inject to a specific process: Yes
Process to inject: explorer.exe
Assigned name: Victm
Stealth mode: Cautious
Set attribute hidden: Yes
Set older file date: Yes
Melt server: No
Delay type: No delay
Time to delay: 0 Days 0 Hours 0 Mins
Kernel level unhooking: Yes
Hide process: Yes
Use TOR plugin: No
Include TOR plugin in server: No
Url to download TOR plugin: [
Onion hash:
Filename when installed TOR plugin: £گ\